Thursday, June 17, 2010

OK-My hair is totally screwed! What color can I that will go over pink!!!!??

I let my girlfriend highlight my hair and my hair WAS brown. Well the high lights turned out way to blonde. And She missed some spots on top,so I looked like a tiger. I went and got some like dark auburn red color to try to cover all of it up. Well putting that on top of blonde was NOT a good idea! Now my hair is darker on top (kinda dark red) and pinkish everywhere else! And I am at work looking like a moron. What color can I put on this weekend to fix it? I just want to go back to brown or light brown. Please help......And I don't want to have to go to a stylist.

OK-My hair is totally screwed! What color can I that will go over pink!!!!??

Hello, I have been a professional hair stylist for over 17 years, color correction can be very tricky, but it sounds like you are only one step away from the color you would like, go to the nearest drug store and find a permanent hair color (Loreal cream or preference is a good one) look for a either a natural or gold brown color that is the closest to your own natural color, follow the directions on the box and use a good conditioner after. Then leave your hair alone and let the professionals do your highlights from now on. I hope that helps.

OK-My hair is totally screwed! What color can I that will go over pink!!!!??

Black it really works i know that because i did the same thing to my hair!!!

OK-My hair is totally screwed! What color can I that will go over pink!!!!??

u should go back to brown and get a little darker highlights of blonde that would look so cute i would know i have it and a lot of people say it looks great and u do not have to go to a stylists just buy the box at a jewel i did

OK-My hair is totally screwed! What color can I that will go over pink!!!!??

be a redhead for awhile

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