Sunday, June 20, 2010

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

My friend says she knows how to do it and will do it.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

No. NO way. Dont let her do it, but give some explanation. She is too young for things like that. I mean electric pink? no

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?




Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

I wouldn't, I still think she is kinda young to die her hair something that crazy. If she really wants to die her hair, maybe a more natural color such as a differnt shade of brown.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

Not electric pink but maybe black like christiana aguilara had awhile back looked ok. But not pink

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

She is too young for all that nonsense. Once you start you will do it over and over. By the time the kid is 18, she will have dried out, brittle hair. I wouldn't trust my "friend" doing anything to my kid. Leave her be.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

as long as its NOT permanent u should. give her some freedom she'll luv u 4 it. but make sure it will come out

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

Why start ruining a little girls hair so early on?

I don't think you should let her do it. I think kids should have boundaries and they shouldn't be allowed to do EVERYTHING they want to do. Otherwise, they'll never know responbilities, respect, or rules.

But those parents who go overboard with rules and regulations and are overly strict annoy me to no end.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?


Geez and people are wondering why kids are the way they are today parents are to lenient.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

She is 10. I don't mean to be judgmental but I think that is still a child. What about doing some kind of temporary thing and letting her know that she can do that when she is older? Then choose an age where you think it is more appropriate. My guess is that if you are asking if it is ok, you really don't think it is.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

I think it would be ok as long as it is not permanent.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

Yes...this is her way of showing her individuality and expressing herself... And it may just be a phase that will most likely pass soon. By not letting her do this you may be showing that you disapprove of her individuality and may cause problems between the two of you.... Besides, it's just hair and can be changed/colored again...

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

Would you let her get a tattoo? Who is the Mommy?

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

no she'll bi*ch and moan about it, but its for her own good. kids are mean, and when someone sees a girl with different hair like pink, odds are she'll get made fun of.

but i wouldn't let her do it. her hair isnt mature enough to be bleached without major breakage.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

naaaaaaaaaaaa only da streax but not electric pink

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?


Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

Please God no. Let her be a little girl. When I think of girl with pink hair I think of Christina Aguilera in the "dirty" video. Do you really want your 10 year old to look like that. Please think twice, as she is a child, not a mannequin.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

are u kidding?

she can "express her freedom and individuality" in thousands of other ways

if she gets those pink stufff on her hair,heres what will happen:

1.ppl will praise her,she'll get excited,she'll want more such things,she wont study,she wont get good grades,in short she'll be hooked on to fashion at th age of 10!

2.not ALL ppl who see her,even in the streets for instance, will appreciate such a thing done to such a young child 16 myself and i have seen girls in my school which got hooked onto makeup,fashion,hair treatments,short clothes etc and they just DONT have a good impression among most ppl ....and not just other 16 year old girls,im talking about 11 and 12 yrs old too!!!!

please dont get her such a thing done!!!!


Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

Let her express herself through her appearance. It is not permanent like a tattoo. and you will be the coolest mom.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

i wouldnt. not because i think its bad, but my friend's siblings were expelled from school for having dyed hair. the principal said that it was a "distraction" and they would not let them back in school unless they had a normal hair color. i thought that was incredibly stupid but i think you should avoid any potential unwanted obstacles.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?


She has no control over anything in her life at that age. You and the school tell her what to do. If it's ok with the school let her do what she wants with her hair. It will make her more confident to have control over something in her life at that age. I started coloring my hair at 10. Mom only let me use temporary stuff but the color choice was mine.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

How about a compromise, why not do a temporary die job, bleaching your hair and coloring over it, is going to damage your daughters hair. You don't want to have her suffer through bad hair problems when she's older and cares much more about her hair. I'm all for letting your kid express themselves, but not if its gonna damage any part of their body. Temp hair color doesn't do that much damage, plus it'll washout in a few weeks, not to mention, I doubt you'll have to bleach it. BUT if you do decide to do either way, please go to a professional. It'll be worth it, trust me!

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

Let her do it. It's not permanent... let her have fun. Its her way to express herself... which at this age, they want to do and should be allowed to (within reason). There are so many other worse things she could do. You should be happy that she only wants to dye her hair! If she hates it, she can color it. Not a big deal. She's only a kid once!! They grow up so fast, let her enjoy it while she can.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

no way! electric pink for a ten year old? maybe something more appropriate like brown.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

no because dies can dry ur hair out and it will look rough

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

I don't think so. She is kinda young to want to do this.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

hell yes you should, it would look cool.

but on the same note, it would look cool for a day or so, then she will realize how much of a mistake it was then she will probably never want to do it again. She will not learn otherwise. Keep her from doing this and it will just solidify the "cool factor" in her mind.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

If you are asking then you obviously don't want her to do it. Tell her no and provide a small explanation. You don't want to set the stage this early in the game for giving in to crazy demands...if it starts with electric pink highlights, what comes next? Body piercings and tattoos when she's 12???

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

Yes- She oveously wants to set herself apart and be an induvidual. I think that is awesome. she can always die it back. hair grows out. i always wanted to be different when i was young. i wanted to do crazy things with my hair. dress a different way then everyone else....why? cause i wanted to! who cares. i dont want to wear mass produced clothes but my mom would have none of it. NONE! we would fight every morning about what i was wearing and i always would have to give in no matter how hard i pushed cause why? kids have no freedom. comeing from a girl who is still controlled by her mom i would say let her. it is very damaging in the long run not to let your children make and follow through with decitions on their own. seriously. im 20 and when i had the chance i moved across the country.... why probably has something to do with i wasnt my own person from the time i was born untill now. i was whatever my mom wanted me to be. sucks a lot. let her do it. you wont regret it. its just hair.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

I absolutely do not recommend this. Since it's not age appropriate, in a few years what will she be asking for in her hair? Most importantly it could be damaging to her hair since extra conditioning may be necessary. There are many hair 'clips' and extensions with color that she can try. There are some wash out type products in pink that she can try. Go to a beauty supply store and let her choose different things. At age 10 she's likely to get tired of it soon and that is normal. By giving her the option to still wear pink, but not a damaging product she will still be able to make decisions and express herself. Temporary and simple can be fun and safe.

Best of luck to you.

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

NO!!! your 10 year old will be made fun of forever at school! What kind of mother are you....!?!?

Should i let my 10 yr old bleach streaks in her hair and then die them electric pink?

Who is the adult here- her or you? Put your foot down and say no!

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