Thursday, June 17, 2010

Should i dye my hair pink?

Go for it!! Just remember your hair will need to be prelightened before you dye it. %26amp; pink needs a lot of upkeep, but as long as you are willing to go through with it I say go for it. If you aren't sure how it will look in your hair I suggest just doing streaks first, if you like them then add it all over. Just have fun with it!!

Should i dye my hair pink?

pink is for gurls

Should i dye my hair pink?

go ahead and do's ur hair!!

Should i dye my hair pink?


Should i dye my hair pink?


Should i dye my hair pink?

Why not? Or you could get pink streaks in it if you don't want to do your whole head.

I think hair should be an expression of yourself... go for it!

Should i dye my hair pink?

Will you be able to deal with the stares and whatnot? If yes, then go ahead. If not, then don't.

Should i dye my hair pink?

I like pink, but your hair has to be light blonde or it won't take

Should i dye my hair pink?

That`s a cool idea, make it neon pink! Even better!

Should i dye my hair pink?


do it !

pink is amazing

Should i dye my hair pink?

if you have really dark hair no beacuse then your gonna have to bleach it otherwise it wont work and bleaching your hair is like the most unhealthiest thing you could do to your hair

Should i dye my hair pink?

If you think that's your style. But dont try to make a statement with pink hair by saying your a rebel or anything, if you want to dye your hair dye it. Do it for you, not anyone else. If your unsure try temporary hair dye.

Should i dye my hair pink?

Yeah, go ahead but you will have cancer in the future! Hair dye can cause cancer! Beware!

Should i dye my hair pink?

Don't dye it use temporary dye that way if you change your mind you can just wash it out of you hair but if you dye it then you dye it another color then you hair is not going to be the color you want it.

Should i dye my hair pink?


Should i dye my hair pink?

Well if you want to dye your hair pink than do it... who is stopping you? You need blonde hair for the dye to really take well though... hope that helps!

Should i dye my hair pink?

Only if you want to look like an idiot.

Should i dye my hair pink?

Go for it! Express yourself while you're young, have fun!

Should i dye my hair pink?

Go ahead. I dyed mine hot pink when I was 15, had to bleach it first though because I'm not a blond.

One thing to consider is if you can handle all the eyes staring at you and your gorgeous hair!! Have fun.

Should i dye my hair pink?

Yes! Pink hair is cool. Express your individuality!

Should i dye my hair pink?

NO!! not a good rep. for a girl in high school

Should i dye my hair pink?

No, you shldn't. Dye is a chemical and if you're going to apply this in your hair, your hair might get dry and dull. And if you wanna do i just foe fashion and if you think it's right then do it.

Should i dye my hair pink?

if that's what you want, then go for it

Should i dye my hair pink?

i have pink hair............. yea go for it but it depends wat color pink u put in it.........i use this color that wont fade pink so i only color my pink hair like once a month.....if u need anymore info just e-mail me............

Should i dye my hair pink?

hell yes

Should i dye my hair pink?

That would look really cool, a bright pink. Plus, you'd be expressing yourself.

Should i dye my hair pink?


Should i dye my hair pink?

you will need to bleach your hair if yours is nnot blonde. pink is cool.. but i guess most important is your hair condition.. if your hair condition is good then go ahead. if its alreayd very dry now.. think u dont go for it.

and do consider the colour might change after 2/3 weeks...

Should i dye my hair pink?

YES! I do it all the time, I usuially do chunky streaks, or 1/2 my head. Here are the colours I use and what they look like when they are on my hair.

Dixon Fantasy Colour Fushia

Jerome Russel Punky Colour Flamingo Pink

Jerome Russel Punky I beleive a mix of 2 shades (Fading out)

Get a shampoo expecially for colour treated hair, I find it really helps!

You'll have to keep re-doing it anywhere from 1 to 2 times a month to keep it looking fresh, but the great thing with pink, is that it still looks great when it fades out.

My hair has been every colour. Red looks a nasty orange when it fades out. But Pink seems to still look kind of cool.

Good luck with it!

Should i dye my hair pink?

If you want - its your hair! I have dyed mine lots of colours - purple and pillar box red were always my favourites.

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